1. Introduction
1.1 1.1 The website www.e-commerce.vti.it (hereinafter, the "Platform") is provided and managed by VILLAGGIO TURISTICO INTERNAZIONALE S.r.l. based in San Michele al Tagliamento (VE) in Via delle Colonie, 2 (hereinafter "VTI" or the "Company"). .
This Platform offers an online booking service for meals, food and drinks present on the menu and prepared by the different eating establishments, with the possibility of take away service at the Restaurants or direct home delivery (of followed by the "delivery service").

1.2 These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter "Terms and Conditions of Sale") regulate the sales contract concerning the products (food and drinks) present on the menu and provided to the user (hereinafter, the "Buyer ") from the Restaurant and take away or home delivery services.

1.3. Any purchase from the platform or for takeaway or home delivery is regulated by the following “Terms and Conditions of Sale” which, in any event, the Company reserves the right to modify. Any new conditions published on the Platform will be immediately effective for every placed order and replace any previously applicable terms. We therefore invite you to read the Terms and Conditions of Sale carefully.

2. Order Types
2.1 In order to use of the Company's takeaway or delivery service, the Buyer may place the order via:

- online access to the "ONLINE ORDER" section of the Platform, exclusively by signing up (free of charge) in order to create a personal, non-transferable account. The Buyer can cancel the account at any time. It is understood that in this case, the user will lose the right to make purchases via the Platform, unless a new account is created.
- order “RECHARGE,” the user has the option of purchasing directly online or at the reception a non-refundable credit to be used via VTI PAY at the facility's catering establishments.

3. Order via the Platform
3.1. The services provided by the platform are available in Italian, English and German.
3.2. The Company is not liable, at any time or for any period of time, for any unavailability, for whatever reason, of the Platform.
3.3. The Platform allows the Buyer to order and pay for a wide range of products (meals and drinks) offered by the Seller via the online booking service. Once the Seller receives the purchased order from the Buyer (made by filling out the specific form), the chosen products will be prepared, following the terms agreed with the Buyer through the Platform.
3.4. The purchase order transmitted by the Buyer is to be considered as a purchase proposal. The Buyer is aware that his/her electronic acceptance constitutes his/her consent and intention to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Sale and by the particular conditions applied to each purchase order, committing to pay for the purchases made.
3.5. The contract between the Buyer and the Seller will be concluded by checking the negotiation selection box on the site indicated as "I accept the terms and conditions of service" which implies adherence to them. Therefore, before placing the order and purchasing the selected products, the Buyer must read the Terms and Conditions of Sale carefully. The order confirmation sent to the Buyer, summarizing the latter's order data, with the expected time of delivery by the Seller, is considered as acceptance of the proposal and thus perfects the contract.
3.6. The parties of the Contract shall be understood to be the Buyer and the Seller.
3.7. Orders can only be placed by persons over the age of 18.
3.8. The Purchaser is not entitled to withdraw from the contract once it has been concluded, in compliance with the provisions of Art. 59, para. 1, l. d) of the Consumer Code since the goods are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.
3.9. Unless the Buyer chooses the method of payment when he/she collects the take-away order, by confirming the order, the Buyer authorizes the Seller to charge the costs of the purchased goods with the payment method selected by the Buyer in his/her own account.

4. Payment
4.1 The Buyer undertakes to pay the full price at the time of sending the telematic purchase order.
4.2 The payment of the price can be done with the following means made available to the Buyer:
a) a. Stripe: in which case the transaction will be managed on Stripe's secure servers. Payment and crediting of funds are immediate;
b) b. VTI PAY: in which case the transaction will be managed on the secure servers of RETEX spa. Payment and crediting of funds are immediate.

5. Take Away at the restaurant
5.1 The takeaway order is collected by the buyer at the restaurant at the address written in the order confirmation.
5.2 Products are prepared on the basis of orders placed. The Buyer cannot change an order already placed and already accepted.
5.3 The delivery of the products is subject to the payment by the Buyer, who has to pay the purchase price with selected payment method.
5.4 If the Buyer fails to collect the ordered products at the agreed time, the Seller shall contact the Buyer by telephone. It is understood that the Buyer's failure to collect the ordered products within 30 minutes after the scheduled delivery time indicated in the order confirmation shall result in their disposal.
5.5 The selected Seller shall not be liable for any delays in delivery and inefficiency resulting from circumstances beyond its control and in any case not related to the conduct of its employees.
5.6 At the time of delivery, the Buyer has to verify the correspondence between what has been ordered (and already paid for) and what has been delivered by the Seller. Collection of the order by the Buyer shall imply acceptance of the products delivered by the Seller, with the consequence that the Buyer may no longer raise any objection or dispute concerning their conformity with the order placed.
5.7 After delivery of the products, the Seller can no longer be held responsible for their mode of storage or for any damage resulting from poor storage after delivery.
5.8 The company cannot be held accountable for any delay in the delivery of the products, non-conformity of the delivered products to those ordered, non-conformity of the quality of the purchased products compared to the quality standards and applicable regulations, refunds or exceptions relating to payments.

6. Delivery
6.1 For home delivery services, the company uses the services of both external delivery partners (who are responsible for processing of personal data) and its own employees.
6.2 Home Delivery Services require payment in advance by the Buyer. The prices applied are those indicated on the platform when the order is placed.
6.3 There is no minimum charge for the delivery service.

7.1 The prices applied are those indicated in the Platform at the time of the order.
7.2 The sales prices indicated in the Platform are in Euro.
7.3 Product prices include VAT and all other taxes.
7.4 Prices may be changed at any time.

8.Buyer Information
8.1 The Company informs the Buyer, pursuant to Article 12 of Legislative Decree No. 70 of 9 April 2003 containing provisions on electronic commerce, that:
a) the various steps to be followed on the Platform up to the finalisation of the product purchase contract are accompanied by specific instructions.
b) the purchase order is stored in a special database of the Company and remains there for the time necessary to process the order and, in any case, within the terms of the law. The Buyer can access their purchase order by consulting the section of the Platform where they will find a list of all orders placed.
c) before placing the order, the Buyer can check and, if necessary, correct data entry errors by following the instructions indicated on the Platform.

9.Applicable law and competent court
9.1 These Terms and Conditions of Sale and the individual purchase orders accepted are governed by Italian law.
9.2 For any dispute concerning the application, execution, interpretation and breach of these Terms and the individual purchase orders accepted, including any action relating to contractual and extra-contractual liability, the Court of Venice shall have jurisdiction. It is understood that, should the Buyer be a consumer pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 ("Consumer Code"), the Court of the Buyer's municipality of residence or domicile, if located in the Italian territory, shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
9.3 Should the Company and/or the Seller fail on any occasion to assert their contractually acknowledged rights or faculties, such conduct shall in no event be construed as a waiver of their rights, nor shall it prevent the Company and/or the Seller from demanding full, strict, and punctual performance by the Buyer at a later time.

10. Platform Content and Intellectual Property
10.1 The content present on the Platform, such as, by way of example, images, photographs, drawings, figures, logos, and any other material, in any format, including the menus, web pages, graphics, colours, fonts and design of the Platform, are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right of the Company. The reproduction, alteration, duplication, copying, distribution, sale or otherwise exploitation of the Platform content is prohibited unless previously authorised in writing by the Company. Any use of the Platform content for commercial and/or advertising purposes is also prohibited.

11. Restrictive clauses
The Buyer, having read these Terms and Conditions of Sale, declares, pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 1341 of the Civil Code, that it fully accepts and specifically approves the clauses set out in Articles: 3.3, 3.7, 4.2, 5.5, 5.7, 7.8, 8.3, 9, 10.